The world premiere of Nazidanie, a documentary film by Boris Yukhananov and Alexander Shein (produced by Gia Lordkipanidze, Alexander Rodnyansky, Alexander Shein and 2PLAN2 Film group) will take place at the 70th annual film festival at Locarno. The full schedule was made public July 12, 2017; the festival will run from Aubust 2 to 12 in Switzerland.
2017, 148 minutes
The main heroes of the tale are Zinedine Zidane and Marco Materazzi, participants in the greatest scandal in football history. In the final match of the World Cup 2006, pitting France against Italy, the French superstar Zidane did something completely inexplicable – during overtime he ran up to Materazzi and gave him a head butt. Zidane was ejected and, as a result, the French lost the match on penalties. This attack and the unexpected loss were bound up together in spectators’ memories forever. But no one ever answered the question, “What happened?” Having explored the players’ lives in great detail, the authors of this film reveal an incredible tale, wherein the 2006 World Cup appears as a theatrical production “staged by the Creator.” Football becomes sacred.
Restrain yourselves! Such is the short and generalizing message of this film.
This documentary is made with “found footage” and with fragments of animated film.
Idea conceived by Boris Yukhananov
Directed by Boris Yukhananov and Alexander Shein
Screenplay by Boris Yukhananov with the aid of Ilya Permyakov
Produced by Gia Lordkipanidze, Alexander Rodnyansky, Alexander Shein
2PLAN2 Film group
Original music composed by Alexander Belousov