The Fading Apocalypse exhibit at the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre will run from November 11 to 30 as part of the NET Festival. This project by Boris Yukhananov and Yelena Koptyaeva is a three-channel video installation.

From the project press release:
Fading Apocalypse is an installation created by Boris Yukhananov in tandem with artist Yelena Koptyaeva. It is intended to reflect the individuality of three different directors. Heiner Goebbels, Theodoros Terzopoulos and Romeo Castellucci converse with Yukhananov as they “paint” a stone tablet with water. The unpredictability of the evaporating water causes them to express thoughts connected to the process of creating a piece of theatre. Each of these artists’ work is as unique as what happens to the water on stone.
The directors’ drawings, slowly fading, seem to define the methodology of each of the participants in this project. Captured on video, the process of the drawings is shown simultaneously on three monitors. If you approach the monitors closely, you can hear what the directors said as they worked.

Heiner Goebbels:
«Basically I want to draw how I work. It could be five lines of musical notation. But it could also be five elements that I’m working with in a single production: light, space, text, music, body. When I create a production I compose all these elements with the rest of the members of my team. I lay out in a space small white slips of paper on which specific lighting is described, or a specific text is written, a text fragment, or the idea of our approach to space. Then I look for the correct combination of all these elements. I am free in my sequencing because I am not affected by the gravity that acts upon the story».
Free admission