The Observer

The Observer

World premiere: Fall 1988, Berlin, Metropol-Theater
An entry in the Berliner Festspiele

Directed by Boris Yukhananov
Written by Alexei Shipenko


The Observer

A rehearsal open to spectators: Spring 1988, Moscow, School of Dramatic Art (Apt. No. 4)

Directed by Boris Yukhananov
Written by Alexei Shipenko
Set designed by Ivan Kochkaryov
Costumes designed by Katya Leventhal and Ivan Kochkaryov

The production includes performances of songs by the top Soviet rock groups: Aquarium, Kino, Zoopark, Rossiyane, The Valery Chkalov Squad, as well as: Kangaroo, Obermaneken, Roman Mechanism, snippets of songs by the Pharoahs, Eddie Cochran.

Also employed are an interview of Boris Grebenshchikov and Alexander Bashlachyov, fragments of prose by Arthur Rimbaud, Andre Gide, and the letters of Chaadaev. Dialogues employ materials from the journals Roxy, Ukho and Urlight. 

Musical consultant and phonogram – Garri Osipov
Sound – A. Zakharishchev von Brausch, and V. Afonin
Lighting – А. Udalov
Concertmeisters – G. Yurova, and Ye. Kalachyov
Props – Т. Kozlova
Dresser – S. Zabavnikova
Technical Director – S. Tishkin



Andrei Filonov – Andrei Sergeev
Sergei Ivetsky – Alexei Shipenko
Suzy (bass guitar) – Lyudmila Drebnyova
Cardinal (drums) – Viktor Gordeev
Pavlik (guitar) – Igor Kechaev
Old Man – Boris Romanov
Doctor – Lyudmila Drebnyova
Obermaneken – Andrzej Zakharishchev von Brausch (guitar, keyboards), Igor Kechaev (bass guitar), Valery Svetlov (drums, percussion) plus the Obermannequins
Chaadaev – Valery Svetlov
Ghost – Yevgeny Sitokhin
Burial Ritual – Kamil Chalaev
Bikapo – German Vinogradov

being an opalescent type aka a restless individual flitting between the beginning and what follows and running up against the eternal temptation of the postmodern avant-garde you quoting only yourself are the beast who comes but who has not arrived we are the children of the crotch amidst the two between the formula of our being and the reason as well as the essence of what in conversation after the performance you, THE OBSERVER, will call paranoia.