The Faust Project
Boris YukhananovFaust
Format: 170×240
Pages: 408
Year of issue: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-9906112-3-8
Print run: 500
Publisher: The Theatre and its Diary
Binding: Hard
Language of publication: Russian
Age limit: 0+
Type of publication: Gift edition

This book presents assistant's notes and transcripts of rehearsals of Boris Yukhananov's evolutionary Faust project. It is compiled from archival materials from the years 1999 to 2008, reflecting various stages of work, offering thematic and semantic analysis of Goethe's tragedy, and presenting methodological idiosyncracies of the director-actor dialogue. The book contains photographs of the second, third, fourth and fifth editions of the Faust production. (Photographers Vladimir Permyakov, Viktor Sentsov, Valery Syrovatkin, as well as of unidentified photographers, and photos from Boris Yukhananov's personal archive). Materials of the production's sixth edition are supplemented by photographs taken by Andrei Bezukladnikov and Sofia Minasyan. The book publishes scenery and scenography sketches by Yuri Kharikov.

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